Operationalizing Culture & Values
Redefining HR Workshop
Culture is not what you say it is. Culture is the sum of all your actions, inactions, rituals, and behaviors - both reinforced and tolerated.
Culture is one of the most covered topics in the world of work - books, blog posts, case studies, podcasts, and more cover culture. It’s also one of the most misunderstood.
Despite our penchant for clever posters on the wall and all kinds of culture rituals, we can often miss the mark.
HR doesn’t own culture. In fact, no one owns culture. Sure, it can and should be shaped and influenced. We need to let go of the notion that it’s a tangible feeling that is universal and directly owned by HR.
In my book I worked to shift the thinking away from culture as something static to be preserved. I prefer anchoring values that can be clearly articulated and operationalized through how you hire, develop, reward, and celebrate your employees.
This workshop chapter goes deeper with additional perspectives and resources to help shape and support how you approach your culture and values.
Tips, prompts, and suggestions to help you assess and operationalize your culture and values
Are your values clear on your career site?
How are your values reinforced in your company's operating system and communications?
How are you assessing the values alignment of candidates in your interview process?
What behaviors are rewarded? What behaviors are punished?
Use clear language. If you lean on “radical candor” or “no assholes,” be clear about what that actually means and what behaviors are expected to support that approach.
Codify your culture for clarity and consistency (see culture deck examples in the resources & downloads section below).

Insights and advice from guests of the Redefining HR podcast
(note: guests are not affiliated with this course.)
Leadership Insights
Bryan Power - Nextdoor, Head of People
Melissa Daimler - Udemy, Chief Learning Officer

Resources & Downloads
Curated external tools, resources, and downloads to support your work.
A curated collection of articles, reports, templates, toolkits, and downloadable resources to further your capabilities
(Editorial note: these links were curated for the original course published in May 2021 they do not include recent resources. The Amplify Academy Learning Lab is updated each month so you can find current resources there)
How Netflix Reinvented HR (Harvard Business Review)
Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit – And You Should Too (Harvard Business Review)
How Gusto Built Scalable Hiring Practices Rooted in Tradition (First Round Review)
The Band Manifesto (Spotify)
No Kings: How Do You Make Good Decisions Efficiently in a Flat Organization? (Doist)
Culture Codes: All the Best Culture Decks and How to Create One (Tettra)
How to use design thinking to change cultures (Medium)
Use This Equation to Determine, Diagnose, and Repair Trust (FirstRound)
How to Create A Handbook Employees Actually Read (Fast Company)
Culture Code anatomy: basic and additional structure blocks of a document that describes a company culture (Culture as a Product)
Rethinking the Work-Life Equation (New York Times)
How Automation Will Change Work, Purpose, and Meaning (Harvard Business Review)
How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings (Harvard Business Review)
Next Chapter: Agile Performance & Learning 🧠
Want to jump ahead? Use the course outline below:
CH3: Build a Company for Everyone
CH7: Transformational Recruiting
CH9: Operationalizing Culture & Values