Redefining DEI: Rocki Howard’s Vision for Inclusive Workplaces

I'm thrilled to share a deeply insightful conversation I had with Rocki Howard this week. Rocki is a leading voice on building inclusive workplaces and the founder of, an advisory and community firm that empowers SMBs to build high-performing, engaged, and inclusive cultures.

This episode was recorded in front of a live audience for our Amplify Talent Community VIP webinar series.

Rocki and I discussed various aspects of her recent entrepreneurial journey, the state of DEI today, the importance of intersectionality, and much more.

You can also listen/share the episode directly syndicated on any of these channels: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube


Embracing Intersectionality

Rocki's introduction is a testament to her commitment to intersectionality and authenticity.

She identifies as "Black, Christian, Gen X, wife, mom," and believes that these facets of her identity shape how she shows up in the world. She explains below.

"You don't get Rocky she/her without getting Black Rocki. You can't get Black and she/her Rocki without getting Christian Rocki."

The Reflect Model for Sustainable DEI

Rocki introduced the Reflect Model (below), a comprehensive framework for integrating DEI into business strategies.

This model emphasizes the importance of reflection, resource alignment, and continuous evaluation.

Rocki stressed, "If you are going to be resource-constrained, then you need to have a strategy that's aligned with the resources that your organization is going to develop."


Building Diversiology

Rocki's vision for Diversiology is to create an operating system for DEI practitioners that supports sustainable and impactful DEI initiatives.

She envisions a future where Diversiology becomes a go-to tool for organizations striving to build inclusive cultures.

My conversation with Rocki Howard was both enlightening and inspiring. Her commitment to DEI and her entrepreneurial spirit are truly commendable and I hope her new venture soars. As we look to the future, I am excited to see how Diversiology will evolve and impact organizations worldwide.

For those interested in learning more about Diversiology and joining the community, please visit

Thank you for tuning in, and as always, stay connected and keep redefining work. ✌🏼


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