Making Data-Driven People Decisions With eqtble Co-Founder and CEO Joseph Ifiegbu

On today's episode of Redefining HR, I sat down with eqtble co-founder and CEO Joseph Ifiegbu. We discussed his new business, his deep background in data science and people analytics, and how it led him to what he is building now. 

While Joseph has spent his entire career in analytics, it wasn’t his first choice. He actually came to the U.S. on a soccer scholarship! But during his college years, he soon realized that, while he could indeed become a pro soccer player, he had to ask himself, “What else am I good at that I can pursue?” Joseph had always been good at math and statistics, so he pursued those subjects, went on to business school, and eventually began working as an analyst.

It was during these job experiences that Joseph found his passion for analytics. He shares, "That feeling, right, that feeling where you've done your analysis, and you've taken raw materials, and you've created something, that feeling was so good that I was like, "I never want this feeling to end." 

Once bitten by the analytics bug, Joseph knew that he never wanted to leave his passion.About five years ago, Joseph decided to enter into the people analytics domain and never looked back. 

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eqtble is Closing the Gaps

Before eqtble came to be, Joseph and his partners kept seeing the same HR issues arise in companies across the spectrum—they weren’t making the best use of their data. He talked to experts in the people analytics industry and found that they were also frustrated by the same problems.

That was when he decided to quit his current job and work on bringing eqtble to life with his partners. While he and his partners were grateful for their previous workplace experiences, they were ready to create something new. 

“We want to build something that helps organizations,” said Joseph, a goal that eqtble meets by “helping organizations make data-driven people decisions.”  The question is, how?

Data for People Decisions

People invest hours of time at work using data to make career-altering decisions on products and marketing strategies. But decision-makers often neglect the most important resource that a company has—their employees.

Joseph shares that, when it comes to people strategies in organizations, we often use our gut feelings to make decisions. While your gut feeling can serve as a strong indicator in many other areas of life, it is often wrong when it comes to what is best for your organization. 

That’s why eqtble is aiding companies with their HR systems, encouraging them to use the data they already have to make better decisions regarding their people strategies.

Get Real Insight into Your Employees

Most companies have different HR systems to drive technology, from their ATSs to LMS and survey tools. While they may have access to multiple data input systems, Joseph and his team identified a gap between obtaining the data and actually using it to make decisions.

Joseph wants to be that bridge to close the gap. Using eqtble allows companies to use data models giving them insight into their employees. He shares that this data can help companies answer questions like: 

  • What are the causes of people leaving? 

  • Are we being fair in our recruitment process? 

eqtble allows companies to use employee data to answer questions about DEI, workplace culture, and more to help managers make better decisions and ultimately achieve success for their organizations.

People in This Episode

Redefining HR is underwritten by our friends at Pyn, leaders in modern employee communications for the distributed workplace. A tremendous tool that’s definitely worth your time.


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