Ep75 Pyn Cofounders & Co-CEO's, Joris Luijke & Jon Williams
In this episode, I sit down with Pyn cofounders & co-CEOs, Joris Luijke and Jon Williams to discuss internal communications approaches and how their platform enables companies to communicate more effectively. In this episode you’ll learn:
How Joris & Jon connected on this idea
Why "Pyn"?
Some of the challenges companies face with remote comms, and how to overcome them
What great internal communication look like
Tips to get employees to take action on corporate messaging
How to use their open-source employee journey map (link below)
Much more
Disclaimer: Pyn underwrites the Redefining HR community so I want to be transparent about that relationship.
You can check out their journey map we discuss here: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kir0zmc=/?fbclid=IwAR0yukjqNDCA6VrqVOFM5F7UpubKEdOCzZ2UMrv11fBLEIXOs4dL1sTNUeI
You can register for their custom employee journey map webinar here: https://www.pynhq.com/landing/employee-journey-webinar/
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