Breaking the HR Mold: Vanesa Cotlar on Transforming HR and People Operations

In the latest episode of the Redefining Work podcast, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Vanesa Cotlar, VP of People and Culture at PolicyMe, to delve into the evolving landscape of HR and her unique journey within it. Vanesa's insights are both enlightening and practical, offering a fresh perspective on the role of HR in today’s dynamic work environment.

The Journey from a Team of One

Vanesa started her role at PolicyMe as a solo HR professional and has since expanded her team, a feat she celebrates as a significant win for anyone in a startup environment. Her journey from being a one-person team to leading a growing HR department at PolicyMe is a testament to her resilience and strategic approach. Her experience spans across recruitment, employee experience, and learning and development (L&D), highlighting the multifaceted nature of HR roles in startups.

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The State of HR: Change, Visibility, and Busyness

When I asked Vanesa to describe the current state of HR in three words, she chose "change," "visible," and "busy." These words encapsulate the transformation she has witnessed in the field:

1. Change: Vanesa reflects on how HR has shifted from being seen as a place where "ideas went to die" to becoming a critical driver of innovation and revenue goals. HR professionals are now recognized as key enablers of organizational success.

2. Visible: There has been a significant shift in how HR is perceived within organizations. Once behind-the-scenes operators, HR teams are now in the spotlight, with their contributions more widely acknowledged and appreciated.

3. Busy: The expanding scope of HR responsibilities has led to increased workloads. This busyness is a direct outcome of the field’s evolution and growing visibility, adding new layers of complexity to the role.

Navigating Remote Work

Vanesa’s extensive experience with remote work, both pre and post-pandemic, has shaped her approach to managing distributed teams. She recalls her "remote year" where she traveled and worked from 12 different countries, which provided her with a unique perspective on global work cultures and the flexibility of remote work. Her insights into the distinction between jobs that require travel and those that allow location flexibility are particularly relevant in today’s hybrid work environment.

Building Trust with the C-Suite

For HR leaders stepping into new roles, Vanesa emphasizes the importance of building trust and alignment with the C-suite. She advises new HR heads to start by understanding the business’s strategic goals and challenges before presenting their ideas. Regular one-on-one meetings with executive team members can foster open communication and ensure HR initiatives are closely aligned with business objectives.

Enhancing Business Acumen

Understanding the broader business context is crucial for modern HR professionals. Vanesa shares her personal journey of gaining business acumen through her experience in strategy consulting and completing an MBA. For those looking to strengthen their business knowledge, she suggests leveraging the expertise of peers with diverse backgrounds and consuming a wide range of business-related content.

The Power of Curiosity and Humility

Throughout our conversation, the themes of curiosity and humility emerged as essential traits for HR leaders. Vanesa advocates for a culture where team members feel comfortable admitting what they don’t know and seeking answers. This openness not only enhances individual learning but also strengthens team dynamics and prevents costly missteps.

Writing with Impact

Vanesa is also known for her thoughtful and consistent presence on LinkedIn. She attributes her ability to maintain a high standard of content to her daily writing routine, where she dedicates time each morning to reflect and share her insights. This practice not only fuels her passion for writing but also allows her to contribute valuable perspectives to the HR community.

For more insights and to connect with Vanesa, follow her on LinkedIn.


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